The Faculty of Consulting Physicians of South Africa is a public company 100% owned and managed by various specialists (Dermatologists, Endocrinologists, Nephrologists, Neurologists, Physicians, Pulmonologists and Rheumatologists) for the benefit of our various specialities. The website address is
The Faculty of Consulting Physicians is not in competition with the other societies but works with them on matters related to our various specialities in private practice. Most of the other professional societies including the surgeons, the ophthalmologists, the gynaecologists, the paediatricians and others have similar arrangements. The Faculty of Consulting Physicians was established in 2007 and has been functional to the benefit of our various specialists for a number of years.
The Faculty of Consulting Physicians needs to be strengthened to deal with the ever increasing demand placed on societies by government regarding the role of private practice in South Africa, the role of private practice in the proposed National Health System, the shortage of doctors, the salaries of specialists in the private sector, the role of medical schemes, and other important matters such as regulatory reforms.
The immediate projects of the Faculty of Consulting Physicians will focus on:
The following value add services are available at no additional costs, unless otherwise stated:
The Faculty of Consulting Physicians employs the services from HealthMan (Pty) Ltd on a contractual basis to advise on and manage all routine operational tasks, as well as providing the Faculty of Consulting Physicians with additional services where required.
The Board of Directors comprise of practising specialists that have been nominated and duly elected.
Communication is via email, fax, SMS and the FCPSA website. Members receive the SAPPF Newsletter and the Private Practice Review updating them on industry and practice news.
Member meetings will happen on request from the various regions at which matters of importance to private practice will be discussed. There are usually journal club meetings sponsored by the Trade Industry.
Johannesburg: call (011) 340 9000 or fax (011) 782 0910 E-mail the HealthMan offices at |